Friday, July 15, 2016

Friday, July 15--Students' Posts

Friday,July 15

I had a great time in Washington D.C. . My favorite place to go was the boat cruise it was so fun. This trip was one of my favorite trip i ever went on.
                                          Taylor Henry
I have a good time in Washington D.C. This week was the bomb. We have had a lot of fun. We played hide&seek in our rooms. And the food was good. 
   -Gabe Hatcher

    In D.C it seemed like the area was just overflowing with monuments, politicians, and people, and the only reason I say politicians AND people is because can we really prove all politicians are actually people and not the villain in a disney movie. however by looking around the city I chose not to study documents but rather people. The people are great, I smile they smile back, I say hi they greet me ten times better. I don't just love the city but the people as well and I feel there should be monuments everywhere in the peoples name, because what is a country if not for the land of its people and in that case this is a land of free and brave alike
                                          -Taven Floyd

the food is really good i had a really good time and had a bunch of fun every day and to top it off our tour guide George was very energetic and really knew his stuff and he was fun to have around for the whole time.
                                        -Seth G

i liked the pizza at bugsies.

My favorite part was getting to watch the changing of the guard.
                                      - will smith 
Yesterday we went to a bunch of Memorials and my phone actually worked for pictures this time. We saw the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial, the Smithsonian, the Holocaust, and again the Obelisk. I ended up taking over about four dozen pictures too. I can't believe that this trip is almost over  as we leave later today for back home in Iowa after we go to Gettysburg. I don't want to go home yet, I'm having fun.
This trip made lots of memories that I will be glad to look upon and I have the pictures to prove it, along with the thousand souvenirs I bought from gift shops. Most of the souvenirs were for my family, mostly my Mom and Dad because without their help and my Mom going to work at Pizza Hut to earn enough money for my trip. This place is a serious tourist trap for as much as I've spent here in DC. 
My Favorite part of Thursday was when we went to the Smithsonian and roamed anywhere like seeing the bones of dinosaurs and any of the three floors they have, until we had to meet at the Tyrannosaurus Rex up front. Bailey and Jenna had bought socks from the Smithsonian gift shop and and I got a souvenir penny that you crank. The Trip was so much fun, but I wish we could've toured the white house, met the President, or even Donald Trump.
                      -Skyler Fluckey
I got JFK socks, I am satisfied.


We ran up the Lincoln Memorial towards the spot of many great speeches like MLK's I have a dream. We also got to go and see my possible grandpa's cousin and we got a picture of his name to show to my family. I even got to sit on the large Albert Einstein Memorial.
                                                                                              -Seth Cisler

I got to meet and got a selfie with Miss Puerto Rico.

                                                      -Chase Kirkpatrick
   Gettysburg was so incredible! You don't realize how large the battlefield is until you're actually there. The main path was being worked on so we had to do the tour backwards. The cool part was the realization that you were standing where soldiers were fighting and dying. There was a tower there that we got to go up and look across the battlefield. The best part was the view that you got at the top. The worst part was the stairs. Don't say anything, but I took a small rock as a souvenir (wink). We went back to the visitors center and we got to see a quick film about Gettysburg and then after it was over, they had a place up top where the largest oil painting in the country was there with a scene of the Battle of Gettysburg. The painting stretched around the entire room. It was very detailed and well painted. I tried to walk around the entire room to try and see the whole picture. Lunch was delicious. We got to eat at a buffet and the food tasted great. The funny part about coming to Gettysburg was that I fell asleep in the city part of Virginia and woke up in the farm side of Pennsylvania and I thought I was back in Iowa. This was such and amazing I would definitely come back again as a chaperone. I'm so glad I took the time and save up for this trip. I recommend that when this trip comes back again in about two years, that if anyone has children around the time they are in middle school, to see if they would like to come on this trip because it is worth it. 
                                                                             ~Alena Allen :D

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