Thursday, July 14, 2016

Thursday, July 14

Thursday, July 14 
   Memorial after memorial. We went to so many today, even if we only spent a short time at some. My favorite of all of them had to be the Lincoln Memorial, one of the well known memorials in all of DC. The view from the top was breath taking. Seeing the Washington Monument over the reflecting pool was something I could just sit and look at all day. During this whole trip, I'd try to imagine what it was like for the people of the past would have looked like walking around, like George Washington and Martha at their home. I tried to imagine what Martin Luther King Jr. would have seen while he was giving his speech. After that, I went inside and I heard a woman singing the Star Spangled Banner. I quickly took a selfie with my buddy Abe Lincoln. Before the Lincoln Memorial, we went to the Korean and Vietnam Memorials. The statues at the Korean Memorial were amazing and well made. Seeing the Vietnam Memorial was awesome. Hearing our tour leader tell the stories of how people didn't like it, made me appreciate the memorial much more because I realized how perfect it was. I've really enjoyed this trip and I'm glad I put in the hard work to raise up for it. I'll never forget visiting DC. 
                                                                          ~Alena Allen

Today we went to many many different memorials, my favorite memorials were the Lincoln memorial and the Einstein memorial, i liked a bunch of other things we went to today as well. Cecilia got a hat for me which is very nice and i thank her for that. Everything we have gone to on this trip has been so educational has helped me learn a little about my history i didn't already know. I have bought some surprise gifts for my mom and dad, but i am still looking for somthing for my aunt and uncle. I have also made many new friends on this trip. For dinner, Cecilia,Gage(Wesley), and I had Bacon Cheeseburgers, Fries, and a cookie. At the end of the day, everyone said bye to George(Our tour guide). IN my Opinion he was the best tour guide ever. Thank you George, and everyone else who helped on this trip, it was the best one ever and i had fun all week.
                              -Samantha Le Guerrier

We started our morning by visiting some memorials. We began at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial...

Then we headed to the Franklin Roosevelt Memorial...

and finished with the Jefferson Memorial. 

Next we went to the Holocaust Museum. It was incredibly moving, surreal, and emotional. Many students (and adults) were touched by this. You'll have to ask your child about it!

After lunch we visited two Smithsonian Museums. We started at the American History Museum and then went to the Natural History Museum.  Below is Rene becoming an "early human" and Mr. Kedley as an "early human".

Then we went to the National Archives to see the real Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights. 

Dinner was at the Hard Rock Cafe tonight. 

After dinner we headed to the Korean Memorial...

Vietnam Memorial...

Lincoln Memorial...

The kids have had a great time. It's amazing to see how much they've learned. Check back for more kids' posts tomorrow--they had to pack tonight so we didn't get as many posts done!

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